Tuesday, August 17, 2010


A couple weekends ago, some friends and I entered the 48 Hour Film Festival 2010 in Louisville, KY.  Basically, you have from Friday evening to Sunday evening (hence 48 hours) to write, shoot, and edit a 4-7 minute film.  Each team draws a genre out of a hat, and every team must use the following character, prop, and line in their film.

Character:  Michael or Maggie Charles, a scientist.
Prop: A photo of mom.
Line: "What's that smell?"

Our team, TEAM EXTREME!, drew the genre Dark Comedy.  Our film won two awards: "Best use of Character" and "Special Judge's Award, Up & Comers"

Please watch it in full screen mode. Below is our film:


Brandon Jones
JohnBen Lacy
Chris Martin
Kevin Oberhausen
Andrew Osborn
John Swain
Erin Zellers

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